Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend Project: Confirmation (and Blouse)

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein

No sewing today - David (Ana's boyfriend) had his confirmation in their church. As you might imagine, it was a very special day for both of them, and we were honored that they invited us to attend. Here David and Ana pose with the Bishop who conducted the ceremony for the 54 people being confirmed.

You can't see it very well, but Ana is wearing the blouse that she made. :)

I spent much of last week visiting my grandmother in Missouri. She loved the potholders and we spent quite a bit of time discussing who should get each pair. Apparently red kitchens are all the rage among my grandmother's friends (in other words, I was denied "critical, need-to-know information") and I should have used more red fabric. But in the end she came up with a distribution plan that she was happy with. ;)

Now, on to the next Christmas project! :)


Joanne said...

Personally made gifts are always the best. And what a nice way to spend this holiday season, creating for and thinking about those you care about!

Christine said...

I'm so glad your grandma liked the potholders you made!

Also it's really cool to see Ana wearing the clothes that she made!

Anonymous said...

Your comment about being denied critical, need-to-know information made me giggle. Oh well, I have no doubt at all that the recipients of your lovely potholders will be delighted with them!