Thursday, December 16, 2010

Talk Back Thursday

Thank you so much to Trudy, Carla, Elaina, Rose, Cindy, Faye, Mary, Patsijean, Katherine, Lynne, Ivalyn, Julie and Mamafitz for talking back to my confession last week! I confessed that I haven’t watched any sewing DVDs (or tapes) and asked if others enjoyed them and had any recommendations.

On the general topic of sewing videos, there were 9 “yes!” votes and 4 “eh, not so much…” votes.

The most frequently called out series was the Palmer/Pletsch Fit for Real People series, with 4 votes.

And guess what tied for second place (3 votes each) with Nancy Zieman’s shows?


That caught me by surprise – you guys are much hipper than I am! (As proven by my use of the word “hip”)

The following four DVDs were each called out by two people:

Sandra Betzina’s Power Sewing Skill Series

Roberta Carr’s Couture Sewing

Claire Shaeffer’s Couture Techniques

Threads Magazine Archive

And the following DVDs were each called out once:

Threads Magazine Fitting Series

Islander Sewing System

Peggy Sagers

Cynthia Guffey

Gale Grigg Hazen

Kathleen Cheetham & Vija Anca

Kenneth King

Connie Crawford

(Note that the person who called out the Connie Crawford DVD was actually not recommending it – she felt like it was poorly produced.)

Finally, Elaina gave a shout-out to Project Runway – her favorite sewing show! ;)

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to answer! I’m going to go hit Netflix and see how many of these I can rent! ;)

Photo credit: Usako