Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend Project: The Object of My Fascination

Whatever the medium, there is the difficulty, challenge, fascination and often productive clumsiness of learning a new method: the wonderful puzzles and problems of translating with new materials.

~ Helen Frankenthaler

I am so excited! I combined a B&N gift certificate and some money that I received for my birthday last month, and ordered a book that I have been coveting for quite some time...

It is the book considered by many to be the bible of fashion making! And it is SO cool!

An early chapter walks you step-by-step through the process of creating a basic pattern set designed to fit you (or whomever you are sewing for) perfectly - I guess it's basically a set of slopers.

Then the book is filled with massive chapters that show you a huge variety of clothing styles and the instructions necessary to modify the basic pattern to create each style. Here's an example for a skirt - I'm just including a few of the images, but there are also step-by-step written instructions.

It really is eye-opening to see all of the variations laid out side by side. I am totally fascinated by this book! Now all I need is to be independently wealthy so that I can devote the rest of my life to working my way through it! ;)

I hope everyone had a good weekend and is ready to start a new week!


Faye Lewis said...

That is one of the books on my WISH list!

Tee said...

I love this book! It is used by most colleges.

Shellie said...

WOW! what a great book - I'm so jealous ;)

gwensews said...

I want that book! I have a couple of other fashion design books, but that one is on my wish list too!

Becky said...

That book looks awesome!