Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Confession

Last Fall I shared my least favorite aspect of sewing (pinning & cutting), but I haven't talked about my favorite part(s) yet. That's partly because I love pretty much everything else about it! But, if I had to be specific, I'd say that there are a few steps/stages in the process that stand out:

For example, I love shopping for fabric and patterns! ;)

I love it when I'm struggling with a new construction method and it suddenly clicks in my head and I understand how all the pieces and steps go together to create the final version.

During the actual construction of the garment, there's an intermediate stage (after preliminary steps like stay stitching and assembling separate bits like the collar, but before you start working on the finishing details like buttonholes & hems) where it transforms from separate flat pieces of fabric to the three dimensional garment - I love that bit!

And, of course, the final product - whether it's wearing it myself or seeing someone else wear it - that gives me a great feeling of satisfaction and happiness. :)

So, what about you? What is/are your favorite bit(s) about sewing?


wendy said...

Those photos are B&J, aren't they? ;-) I swear I'd recognize the windows anywhere.

I love fabric shopping too- my mom used to bring me when I was a kid, and I have so many memories of running around the local fabric store looking at all the fabric choices. I think she started indoctrinating early on purpose, get a girl hooked on fabric shopping early and she'll always love it. ;-)

CarlaF said...

I love fabric shopping but only if I'm shopping at a great fabric store like Gail K in Atlanta. I've been totally spoiled. I can't shop at Hancock's for fabric any longer. I've never order fabric online. I love touching fabric but I'm going to order fabric online (from Ann at Gorgeous Fabrics soon). I've heard great things about her fabrics.

I don't have a big stash and I don't really want one. My sewing skills aren't great now but I'm getting better with each project.

CarlaF-in Atlanta

Webfrau said...

Definitely the fabric fondling and planning stages. The anticipation bit.
The surprise at the end if everything actually fits and works! LOL!

Faye Lewis said...

I'm a fabric feeler too, and of course I LOVE buying fabric, but I try to have some self control. One of the things I like about sewing is the challenge of learning new techniques - I love the research and looking for information to self teach myself. I love pulling all my sewing books off the shelf and finding the information I need. I love just being in my sewing room - tidy or not - but I'd rather it be tidy. I love it when my fitting efforts actually work out.

gwensews said...

Planning,definitely. From fabric/pattern shopping, to tracing and alterating the pattern is my favorite. I can really get "in the zone" at that stage.

Beth Conky said...

I hate cutting out the most. I love shopping for the fabric even though I have a serious fabric overload excessive stash. I also think my cat is yours long lost brother. Everytime I read your blog I think you have a picture of Cowin up there.

mamafitz said...

my favorite part is the pressing. i love the heat and smell of the iron molding the fabric. i like to iron too.

Anonymous said...

I love the process and all the little decisions you make along the way to turn that piece of flat fabric into a three dimensional garment. And I especially love it when the garment lives up to the vision for it, and actually fits. ;)


Unknown said...

I love the shopping and dreaming that comes of it. Seeing something and then making it happen. I also love it when you have that moment when you just know - it will work out! g

Sarah said...

Putting something on for the first time, and having it WORK would be a favorite... Seeing the culmination of work and planning is a really brilliant feeling.
And really, I like the draping that goes into drafting. And the camaraderie of sewing with people, and the peace that comes from sewing alone.
And I like getting bit by the bug that just makes you want to plan and sew for hours on end...and having the time to do it.