Sunday, April 8, 2012

White Flag

No man is defeated without until he is defeated within.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

With all due respect to Eleanor Roosevelt, I am defeated without and within.  A disastrous work trip last week was the final blow.  I know that my life is blessed and many people struggle with much more difficult challenges than I can even imagine, but, for the moment, as Ana sometimes says:

Siento que mi corazón no tiene fuerzas.

Right now, everything is too much for me - even those things that normally bring me joy and strength.  

I'm going to take a break from blogging for a while - hopefully not long, but we'll see...  

Please don't give up on me or forget about me - I know that each of you has a full life and reads lots of blogs and I am just a tiny drop in the bucket - but you are important to me and I don't want to lose you.  

Thank you.  


gMarie said...

Oh Gwen - I know I don't comment regularly but I do truly enjoy your blog. I hope life settles down soon so you can put the white flag away. g

marysews said...

Gwen, many hugz to you! Remember to breathe!

gwensews said...

Life deals us some horrible blows. I hope your heart heals quickly. Get back to us when you feel better.

debbie said...

Almost everybody hits a wall at some point. Take your time to heal. We'll still be here.

Sewing Princess said...

Take it easy! Enjoy life, sew a bit and comeback when you'll feel better. I'll be here

CarlaF-in Atlanta said...

Take your time, come back when you're ready. ::hugs::

katherine h said...

We'll be here when you get back. I hope that things get better for you quickly.

Becky said...

You've had a lot of difficult things going on in your life lately, so no need to apologize. I hope things start looking up soon!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your recovery time my dear. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

patsijean said...

Take care, Gwen.

Rose said...


I'm thinking of you. Please take the time you need to recover and refresh yourself.


Rose in SV

Anonymous said...

Hope your heart & soul feel less bruised very soon.

Mary said...

I'm sorry that you are having a rough time, and I hope that you will take some time to catch your breath. I have loved your blog--you even inspired me to make my own wedding gown 3 yrs. ago. Thank you for all your sharing and motivation. Please take good care of yourself.

Vicki said...

Gwen, sending you some good vibes. Hooe all is well soon.

Linda T said...

We are here for you Gwen. You have inspired me and I hope when you are feeling on top again, you will continue to inspire me. I wish you peace.

MD said...

And taking a break is not defeat, even when it feels like one. Not that battle metaphors are always good, but both commanders and athletes know that sometimes you just have to stop for a while and regroup. It's only a defeat if you keep retreating (and sometimes not even then, if you discover a new path as a result). I am praying for strength an healing for you

Sew Ducky said...

I've been reading you a long time, and I'll still be reading you when you get back. If there's anything you need, let me know.

Anonymous said...

Gwen- just popping in to let you know I am thinking about you. I hope that things are getting more even for you! Take care of yourself.

mimi o said...

Gwen...we all have those ups and downs. What keeps us going is knowing there are friends and family out there that do care and want to help in anyway that they can. Just take some time out for yourself and know that we all will be here when you decide to come back. :-D

Anonymous said...

Another on who's just popping in. I pray that things are improving for you and yours.

JoyceP in Wisconsin

Sarah E. said...

I miss you:( I hope you are doing better. I will still be here when you get back. Please don't feel pressured to come back until you are ready and really want to.

Sending love to you,

mimi jackson said...

Boy, do I know THAT feeling! Take the time you need, and we'll still read you when you return!