First off, people were pretty evenly split between (a) I never have sharpened my scissors and (b) I sharpen them whenever they seem to need it.
Many of the people who don't have their scissors sharpened, reported that they usually use a rotary cutter instead of scissors, and they do change those blades regularly.
And two people admitted that they are more likely to replace dull scissors than sharpen them.
Where/how do people get their scissors sharpened? Most called out a sewing machine shop, but other suggestions were: Joann's, the scissor booth at the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo, and a surgical supply shop.
Two people did warn that having your scissors sharpened can mess them up, if the person doesn't know what he or she is doing.
Three people reported that they deal with dull scissors at home - 2 use the Fiskar scissor sharpener (although Linda isn't that happy with it) and Webfrau has a pair of Wiltshire scissors with a self-sharpening case. I had never heard of that before - how cool!
One last tip - several people keep multiple pairs of scissors on hand, save the good ones for the expensive fabric and let the old ones retire from the sewing room and start a second career cutting paper. Although, Mamafitz did point out that paper, cotton and linen are all forms of cellulose fiber, so she figures, if you use your scissors to cut one, why not the others too?
Thanks again to everyone for taking the time to leave a comment! And - yay! - I'm actually caught up on all my Talk Back Thursday posts! :)
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