Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday's Torch Story

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am not for others, what am I?
And if not now, when?
~ Rabbi Hillel

I took advantage of the big 50% off sale (and the remnant aisle) at Joann's and packed up 2 more IBOLs over the weekend. The first box has about 5 yards each of a lightweight tweed suiting, a gauzy feminine print and a dark green silky fabric:

The second box had about 5 yards each of a light-colored print cotton shirting, a gauzy red and green feminine print and a corduroy-ish dark green fabric with textured dots.

Both boxes included 5 zippers (white, black, cream & 2 greens), 3 spools of thread (white, black & green), 2 bags of mixed colors buttons (both including various shades of greens), 2 packets of elastic (different widths) and 2 packages of bias tape (shades of green).

Oh, in case you didn't notice, the theme was "green". ;)

Sorry that last picture is sideways - Blogger decided to do this on its own and I can't fix it.

I've also been busy preparing for the May start date for my ESL class summer session - stay tuned to hear how the mini-challenges go!


Sarah said...

I love the idea of the IBOL project, and how faithful your bundles are to the needs of these women!