There are a lot of truly excellent blogs out there, and I don't really think I'm in that league, but I'll happily accept - if only to be able to give a "shout out" to some of MY favorites! ;)
In fact, the rules of acceptance require that I pass it on to 10 more blogs that I find to be excellent. I subscribe to almost 80 blogs, so narrowing it down to anywhere near 10 was a bit of a challenge!
With apologies to all the other wonderful blogs that I enjoy, here is my list - in no particular order - of Excellent (sewing) Blogs:
A Dress A Day
All Sewn Up
Hungry Zombie Couture
Pins and Needles
Twistedangel’s Studio
Miss Celie’s Pants
Stitches and Seams
Another Creation
The Prolific Sewer
If you are looking for inspiration, warmth, humor and technical assistance with all things sewing-related, then look no further. You will find those in abundance here...
Finally, I thought I'd throw in one non-sewing blog. Edward describes the joys and challenges of being a stay-at-home Dad in this series of letters to a fictional friend, Dave. You don't have to be a parent (never mind a stay-at-home Dad) to enjoy these stories...
Thanks, again, Kat! :)