Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekend Project: The World Keeps Turning...

...whether we want it to or not.  :(

It was so odd to see that my pre-written, scheduled posts came up during this past week - I had completely forgotten about them...  

A week ago I would have been thrilled to receive my first assignment for the 1912 Titanic Sewing Project.    While I was in the hospital, sitting by Susan's bedside, I received this "Afternoon Wrap".  

It's a good first assignment for me - only a couple of pattern pieces and probably not that fit-critical.  

Of course, Mattie is going to look silly with a 1912 wrap over her current simple, modern shift dress.  But eventually she'll have a complete 1912 wardrobe...  

Just like, eventually, I'll find the energy and the spirit to join the world as it keeps turning.  

Thank you to everyone for your kind words over these last few days - please keep Susan's family in your thoughts and prayers.  


  1. This is a lovely first project and not too demanding, which will be good. Don't forget to take care of yourself as you go through this sad time. You're all in my prayers.

  2. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend, Susan. Just reading your post made me weepy, and I did not have the honor of even knowing her. I am sending love to you and her family...

  3. Hi Gwendolyn,

    I got this project pattern to test as well. Just a quick head's up for you and your readers. The layout diagram you have posted contains as error. The bodice pieces are shown laid in the same way resulting in 2 left pieces. One bodice piece needs to be "flipped" and two of the collar pieces need to flipped as well so you get a left and a right side.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sewing may turn out to be wonderfully soothing,and having projects coming your way on a regular basis may also be a blessing in ways you never expected. (Stitching has helped me through the worst heartaches and losses in my life, and I know from experience that God gave us the talent/love for sewing for good reason)

  5. I made my wrap from a remnant of a skirt I made some summers a go. So it will complete an outfit. You may enjoy reading about it on my blog: I see I will have to put some time aside to keep on reading your blog. Its very well done!

  6. Such an interesting pattern. I look forward to seeing it sewn. My condolences on your loss. Hopefully the time you spend stitching this pretty wrap will give you a chance to remember the happy times with your friend.

  7. Im very sorry about your friend. I too am in the 1912 project but have not received my first pattern yet. I think you got a great beginning pattern. I can't wait to see pictures of your finished project

  8. I've always loved these wraps, looking forward to seeing what your finished piece looks like. Love the blog!

  9. I've always loved these wraps, looking forward to seeing what your finished piece looks like. Love the blog!

  10. My condolences on the loss of your friend. I look forward to seeing the results of your "Afternoon Wrap" pattern.

  11. I want to also extend my condolences for your loss.
    The world does keep turning, and loss does get easier over time,which doesn't mean the people we love are forgotten. It's the pain of losing them that goes away and we are left with the good memories to make us smile. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but that has been my experience.
    On a lighter note, Sunday, March 11th is my birthday!A day which I share with Lawrence Welk. Why I couldn't have the same birthday as Edith Head or Coco Channel, is just another one of those unfathomable mysteries. So much for astrology.

  12. I can't wait to try this pattern out. It looks so regal.

    Here's me hoping I win in your bloggiversary giveaway!

    Congratulations, by the way!

  13. Gwen, I think the wrap pattern will be very pretty and easy to make. My group has not yet gotten a pattern. I'm hoping it will be soon. I love the name of your blog. It reminded me of the week before my wedding (40 years ago and I'm still married to the same man)when my mother and I were putting the finishing touches on my wedding gown. In the middle of all this, the air conditioner drain backed up and flooded the place. The workers came in on the Friday used a jack hammer on the hall floor and left for the weekend leaving a hole in middle of the path from the living area to the bedrooms. Mother and I sat among dust and sewed on pearls. It was finally fixed one day before all the relatives were scheduled to arrive. The dress was finished and beautiful. Sometimes, it seems that there are large holes in our path, but we seem tobe able get past them with the help of our family and friends.

    My sympathy and prayers are with you and your friend's family as you find your path through this sad time.

  14. This is certainly a mixed time for you, a time for the beginning of your new projects and a sad time with your loss.

    Your first piece looks like it will be a great first piece, I am making the 0910 blouse and have learned some new bad words!!! Anyway, have fun with it and let us know how your bedsheet bloomers work out.

  15. Hi Gwen,
    You do not know me,but my thoughts and prayers are with you and with Susan's family. I,too, have had a sad year, and I can tell you that my sewing has brought many hours of comfort and soothing of the soul. I agree with Linda T, take care of yourself and allow the time it takes to grieve your sweet friend. It will not be easy, but you will come through this with a beautiful understanding of Susan's time spent with you. Darby
