Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weekend Project: Winners!

You'll have to excuse Oliver - he is beside himself with excitement over the announcement of the winners of my blog's 4th birthday give-away...  ;)

You know how cats can be...  ;)

As always, I find these give-aways bitter-sweet, because I read all the wonderful comments and wish that I could give something to every single one of you...  As soon as I win the lottery, I promise!  ;)

For now, I'm going to have to stick to 4 winners.  And those randomly drawn names are:

#2 - Vintagegal
#15 - Mimi O
#19 - SewSue
#30 - Simona

Congratulations!  Please email me at and we'll coordinate the details...  

Thank you again, to everyone for being supportive and patient - it means more to me than I can express...  



  1. This is wonderful...thank you "SO" much for such a fantastic Give-Away and I can't wait to receive these gifts. Thank you as well to all that participated!

  2. BConky - thank you! Oliver certainly thinks so! ;)

  3. Ohh! I am so pleased. This is the first time I've won a prize on a blog giveaway! Thank you Gwen!
