I am thankful for the mess to clean after a party
because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
~ Nancie J. Carmody
Tonight is Ana's "Vaya Con Dios" (going-away) party, and I'm expecting quite a mess to clean up afterwards! We sent out about 60 of these invitations:
And based on our RSVP count, we're expecting about 150 people to show up! Yikes!
If I recall my wedding reception correctly, we also had a factor of 2 involved between invitees and attendees, but it was in the opposite direction! ;)
The colors are pink (or, as Ana constantly corrects me, "fuchsia") and blue.
The theme is butterflies.
After the New Year's Eve I-know-I'm-busy-but-I'll-still-be-able-to-sew-my-dress debacle, I sprung for a store-bought party dress this time. ;)
I normally go for more color, but the party is about Ana. So I'm happy to let her be in the spotlight. :)
Throwing the party is a truly a team effort of love. Scott and I are providing the room, the decorations and the cake - others are providing the music (2 volunteer D.J.s) and food. I'm not sure if the group of 5 women knew what they were getting into when they agreed to make the food - I don't think anyone expected 150 guests!
Luckily, no one was at home when I called with the final party count and I was able to just leave apologetic voice messages... I know, I'm chicken! ;)
Don't worry, I'll have tons of pictures for you next week!
In the meantime, I hope everyone is having a wonderful sewing weekend. :)
How nice of you to do this party. I think the invitations are really cool!
ReplyDeletejajaja mg no pense sintieres miedo so tuviste suerte cuando las llamaste , me siento orgullosa de ti eres valiente, espero que allas disfrutado los colores de tu vestido, te veias muy elegante y bonita